Sunday, 23 June 2013

What to do with the GHD

The infamous
Glute Hamstring Developer
Will Improve your DEADLIFTS! so start doing these exercises

Exercises to do on this Awful apparatus
Hip Extensions as demonstrated on the picture
3 sets x 12 Reps
Every Week x 3 times
keep back straight
Hinge From HIp
Extend and Flex Glutes/ Hamstrings while Performing Movement

GHD Sti Ups
3 Sets x 12 Reps

Every Time you Come in to the Gym!

These will improve your Core Strength

hinge from hip While keeping your back Straight
Do not sacrifice a straight back for a lower sit up
you will only be causing damage to your spine

Part 2 coming Tomorrow

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

When to learn butterfly pull ups?

Not Until you have Developed

or you will


Learn the Gymnastics Kip First
Master It

Get to about 20 pull ups
and only then

start playing around with butterfly pull ups

Even then know butterfly pull ups

will not develop your actual pull ups

and still doing strict and weighed pull ups is very important

Keep your Shoulders Safe PEEPS!

Vital Fitness Project

Monday, 10 June 2013

Easy Solutions to Shoulder Problems in CrossFit

1) Pain in Pull Ups
Do Strict Underhand Pull Ups 
and Build do a double Digit amount before Attempting Kipping Pull Ups

As a Rule of Thumb Do 1 Strict Pull Up for every 2 Kipping Pull ups 
to substitute Amount

2) Pain in Dips 
Stretch your Pectoral Muscles more often
Pass through's with a broom stick of pvc pipe work great or 
a good old pec strength never hurts! 

3) Pain while Jerking?
Now i know what you are thinking? 
....... maybe not, let's not go there! 
but seriously 

Jerking can cause pain if you haven't developed the right amount of Muscle around your shoulder girdle
Substitute for 
Push Pressing until able to push jerk! or Split Jerk 

4) Pain in General
Spend Time mobilizing your shoulders
This means doing lots of Pass through's 
Lots of Stretching and
Strengthening the Shoulder Girdle from all angles! 
Warming up your shoulders before shoulder intense work outs
and minimizing the amount of pull ups/ OH Squats and Push Jerks you do In a week! 

5) If you are feeling Pain in general Do not avoid it and do Something about it 
Go see a Chiropractor
A Physiotherapist
or Consults with your CrossFit Coach
on accessory exercises that will speed up your Shoulder Health! 


Vital Fitness Project! 

Chasing Performance and how this affects your body

This could be a long winded Response but I'll make it a short one!

Guys Usually ask me
How do I get bigger Arms?
My Response is usually learnt how to do 100 pull ups in a row!

Most guys look Dumbfounded and stare at me as I've told them to drink Bleach

but lets analyse what I am really saying

If you were able to do 100 pull ups, chances are you have seriously strong intense upper body strength!
Chances are you also probably don't have spaghetti string arms!

The beauty of the 100 pull up Pursuit is the physical benefits you will achieve from chasing such said Dragon
Pursuit Fitness and the Physical aesthetic results will come as a by pass!

Girls usually ask me
how do I lose more weight?
to which i say
Aim for a  Sub 1:30min 500 meter Sprint
or Aim for a Sub 20 Min 5 K

WHY? Because the pursuit of such feats come at the expense of intense Training surrounding the Cardiovascular system

Aim for a Goal Fitness Goal, and let the Journey bring the physical results as a by product

Anyway as always food for thought Peep's!

Vital Fitness Project!

Saturday, 8 June 2013

How to Squat : Part 4 Where to Start

So you want to improve your Squat?
Where to Start?

Two Places

Phase 1)
Air Squats!

Beginners : 5 sets of 10 Reps Rest 90 seconds

Intermediate: 7 Sets of 10 Reps Rest 70 seconds

Advanced: 10 Sets of 12 Reps Rest 60 Seconds

Phase 2)
Back Squats!


12 Reps x 3 Sets

with an Empty Barbell or Moderately light Weight
Roughly 40/30 % of BW if not Lower


5 reps x 5 sets

@ 40/70% of BW


5 x 5
@75% to 85% of 1 Rep Max

How to Squat Part 3: Variations

Front Squat

*note how forward the knees are
and how upright the back is.

Zercher Squat

Low bar Back Squat

Over Head Squat

Close Grip over Head Squat

Zombie Front Squat

single leg squat *pistol

Overhead squat pistol

Reverse Squat

Lateral Squat

Air Squat

High Bar Back Squat

Sissy Squat
No this is not a joke its an actual thing called a the Sissy Squat
Very hard to do

Sumo Squat

Part D)
Who Should do what and Why?

How to Squat Part 2

What is the Best Squat? 

and Totally Dependent on your GOALS!

So lets look at the different squats 

Joe's Garage Gym Olympic Squat

Low Bar back SQUAT? *Power Lifting Squat

IT Moves More Weight ? 
But what if I can move more weight without a low back back squat, Then you Haven't practiced it enough,
Because every 1000pound 400 kilo plus Squatter in the world cannot be wrong

Why does it move more weight?
Because you are travelling less distance? 

What Am I looking for when I do it? 

Push your Butt Back as Far as you can
Do not let your Knees Travel Too Far Forward
Let your Hips Hinge and Allow your Chest to Drop *with a tight Straight Back

Muscle Groups that Dominate this Movements ?
Low Back

High Bar Back Squat *olympic lifting Squat

IT Moves Less Weight ? 
Yes because you are travelling a longer distance

Why Do it? 
More Transferability towards the Olympic movements

What Am I looking for when I do it? 

Keep your back Straight 
Push your Butt Back
Let your Hip Drop *without flexing your low back
Push your Knees Forward
Do not let your Hips hinge,

Muscle Group that dominates this movements


Which Squat Should I do? 
Low BAR BACK SQUAT will make your Low BACK Really Strong
HIGH BAR BACK SQUATS will make your Abs Really Strong
Both will make your Legs strong 

What other Squats are there? 

PART C) Squat Variations 

How to Squat Part 1

Why Squat? 
It's Basic 
You stand
But to Stand you Must Sit 
and to sit you Must Stand

Part 1 *The truth behind Squatting
For 80% of the world it's not that squatting is not good for them or that squats are hurting them, its that they are doing them wrong. 

But what is the right way? 
Well here is where it gets tricky, there is no right way but there are a lot of wrong ways
and it's one of those things where there are different squats for different folks. 

What are the basics? 
The Basics start with your Feet 

where are your feet placed?
Are your Toes Pointed out?
Are they pointed in?
are they facing forward? 
and if so do you know why? 

Feet Placement

For the most part the direction of your Feet and Toes will guide your Knees which in turn affect your Hips which will guide your Back which will guide how your Squat looks. 

*yes it can be alot more complicated than this... but lets keep it basic

so What is the most ideal position 

Ideally Having your Feet and Toes Forward
will produce the most amount of Torque in relation to your hips 
which means you will be able to produce the most amount of force with your legs because it allows your knees to push out to the sides the most 

However Sometimes the Feet cannot stay on the Front line
We Overcompensate and point our Toes out
which move our knees forward 

and this disengages our glutes to a certain extent 
which makes us a tad bit Quadricep Dominant 
which can create problem in our knees

#ohno its all getting complicated 


You settle for a position 

You settle for the best effort you can make to aim your toes to 90degrees forward
however if you fall outside to the sides
thats okay
but everytime you squat 
you aim to keep those toes close to the 90 degrees

Knee placement 

Ideally you want to push your knees out but you might not be able to...
So Practice!

Hip Placement 

Stick that BOOTY BACK!

You should be pushing your Butt Back as much as your can, and depending on the Type of Squat Dropping it down 

Back Placement 
Slightly Arched 
and Tight Belly *core*Abs 

Head Placement 
*but Whatever works for you 
At the end of the Day 
Squatting is Squatting some Very Heavy Squatters look Up
Some Really Heavy Squatter Look  Forward
Some Look Down 
Almost none look to the sides 

Just know that Any exaggeration in the tilt of your Head will lead to a change in direction in your spine 

Will be continued in PART 2)