What You Probably Don't understand about CrossFit
A lot of people
don't understand
what CrossFit is
or what its about
As I've seen in in popular crossfit t shirts explained
"You wonder why we CrossFit, We Wonder why you don't"
etc.. etc..
But Let's examine this
Why is it that some people love crossfit and some people hate it?
I'll give you the first answer quickly
People love CrossFit Because it Changed Their Life!
It changed it because A) it made them fitter B) Because it made them stronger C) Because they found more friends D) Because they just simply finally found an outlet to release all their vent up energy
E) Because they finally feel alive F) Because hey depending on where you go the Classes can actually be fun and have a great social atmosphere
But Let's examine why people hate it
Stroll through any comments section of any CrossFit related video/ picture or advertisement
and you will find a barrage of comments with hate and negativity.
Comments include such things as "Crossfit is gay" "Kipping is stupid" "Bicep curls rule the world" and "Crossfit is lame"
Okay so I decided to be not so controversial with the comments but the comments are sometimes out of control, the kind of stuff people only write behind their key board but would never say to your face.
So why the hate? Why haters B Hatin!
Haters be Haters right....
or something like that
So why the hate? The Hate comes mostly from a misunderstanding of the methodology that each CrossFit box implies *please understand there are underlying foundations but each is completely different from the next sometimes.
The Hate comes from the insecurity of another program not being as effective
The Hate comes from the fact that anytime people are vocally proud of something and happy with it, others will try and knock it down
Education is the key to Stopping the misunderstanding of CrossFit
So in a new series of Blogs we will be exploring the misunderstanding of CrossFit
*Why The F*ck we Kip
*Why High Rep Oly Lifting is included
*Why we don't Bicep Curl!
*Why Caveman were paleo and we are cavemen ?
If you take anything away from reading this take away
that Fitness is Fitness.
A lot of the time we confuse what the goal really is at the end of day with any fitness movement
We confuse that
it is not money or fame or instagram glory!
It should be spread of knowledge regarding Health
and making each nation and healthier and fitter place
where every human being can one day rely less and less on pills and medicine and eventually
become fully functional healthy individuals who can squat down to the ground when they are older
and stay healthy and free of sickness due to Exercise and good eating habits
P,S I don't care what you do ! as long as you are doing something Remember
the Coach has always been the enemy not each other !