Monday, 15 September 2014

What you probably Don't understand about CrossFit

What You Probably Don't understand about CrossFit
A lot of people
don't understand
what CrossFit is
or what its about
As I've seen in in popular crossfit t shirts explained
"You wonder why we CrossFit, We Wonder why you don't"
etc.. etc..
But Let's examine this
Why is it that some people love crossfit and some people hate it?
I'll give you the first answer quickly
People love CrossFit Because it Changed Their Life!
It changed it because  A) it made them fitter B) Because it made them stronger C) Because they found more friends D) Because they just simply finally found an outlet to release all their vent up energy
E) Because they finally feel alive F) Because hey depending on where you go the Classes can actually be fun and have a great social atmosphere
But Let's examine why people hate it
Stroll through any comments section of any CrossFit related video/ picture or advertisement
and you will find a barrage of comments with hate and negativity.
Comments include such things as "Crossfit is gay" "Kipping is stupid" "Bicep curls rule the world" and "Crossfit is lame"
Okay so I decided to be not so controversial with the comments but the comments are sometimes out of control, the kind of stuff people only write behind their key board but would never say to your face.
So why the hate? Why haters B Hatin!
Haters be Haters right....
or something like that
So why the hate? The Hate comes mostly from a misunderstanding of the methodology that each CrossFit box implies *please understand there are underlying foundations but each is completely different from the next sometimes.
The Hate comes from the insecurity of another program not being as effective
The Hate comes from the fact that anytime people are vocally proud of something and happy with it, others will try and knock it down
Education is the key to Stopping the misunderstanding of CrossFit
So in a new series of Blogs we will be exploring the misunderstanding of CrossFit
*Why The F*ck we Kip
*Why High Rep Oly Lifting is included
*Why we don't Bicep Curl!
*Why Caveman were paleo and we are cavemen ?
If you take anything away from reading this take away
that Fitness is Fitness. 
A lot of the time we confuse what the goal really is at the end of day with any fitness movement
We confuse that
it is not money or fame or instagram glory!
It should be spread of knowledge regarding Health
and making each nation and healthier and fitter place
where every human being can one day rely less and less on pills and medicine and eventually
become fully functional healthy individuals who can squat down to the ground when they are older
and stay healthy and free of sickness due to Exercise and good eating habits
P,S I don't care what you do ! as long as you are doing something Remember
the Coach has always been the enemy not each other !

Saturday, 6 September 2014

What are 3 Biggest Mistakes you Keep making in the Gym?

What are 3 Biggest Mistakes you keep making in the gym?
Here is hard truth!
It's not what you do that matters it's how you do it!
I don't care what your program is or how complicated it may be or how simple it may be
if you forget to take 2 cups of concrete in the morning , pack a packet of intensity and 3 teaspoons "Get it done" you will never be successful,
It's not how you train that matters its what intensity you train that matters, there are times in the gym to take it easy and times in the gym to get work done! So get it done!
This means don't get distracted/ work hard/ get a sweat going and make sure you can look back on your training sessions and know you gave them everything
You Give Up Before you See Results
You can't do 3 sets of crunches and wait by the mail post for your six pack to arrive and too many people don't give enough time for their body to change recover and progress
You aren't doing it for the right reasons
Until you find the reasons to why its important to not miss training sessions/ why its important to do all the 1 % things and why its important to stick to your goals,  success will be far and beyond
Stop making these 3 mistakes
Vital Fitnes Project
CrossFit Down Under

Good Things come to those who Train

Good Things come to Those who Train!

Good things come to those Who Train! yeah that's sounds about right! But why do you train?
That's what I want to know! If I can find out what your motivation is then maybe you help yourself understand how to find a path to success in your quest of Fitness.
Understanding the principle to why you get up in the morning when its cold and why you go push through when you are sore. Is the key defining difference between those of us who stick to a fitness program and those of us who quit one at the drop of a hat.
Here are 3 questions you should ask yourself to help yourself understand why you train.
questions number 1
Do you Train for a purpose?
If you are like me then maybe your answer is "Hell Yes I do to be fucking awesome!"
okay maybe that is your answer or that's not your answer
Question no. 2
Why did you start training?
Me personally because I was sick of feeling unfit , you know like the unfit feeling you get when you walk up as set of stairs and you get the top and you pretend like you don't need to catch your breath but you really do
Question 3
Who do you train for?
is it yourself, is it your family, is it to impress someone is it to get into police, is it for the army.
Now ...that you have these 3 questions ask yourself them on a weekly basis and let your answer be a reminder to why you started and why you must go on!
So long for now fellow Fitness Enthusiasts and till the next rep!
Raul Valenzuela
Coach/ Head Founder
CrossFit Down Under
Vital Fitness Project

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

What is the CrossFit Community? ( an Insiders Look into the cult of fitness)

What is the CrossFit Community?
( an Insiders Look into the cult of fitness)

Okay.... so Before you continue reading I must be honest with you, as I am biased.

Besides why else would I have dropped everything in my life for it. CrossFit that is...So Reader Beware, you are reading the dribbles of a fairly big Fitness Enthusiast

So I am An Affiliate Owner, of a Local Gym Located in Holden Hill Called CrossFit Down Under. Established in January/ February 2012.

When I first began the CrossFit box the main mission was can I find enough other crazy people like me who love exercise, fitness and nutrition.

Little by little I found them and one day there I stood in awe...

......*loud barbell Drops in the background

In awe of what you may ask....

Well a community ... a community of people who all stood together for something in life, a community of independent individuals who all came together from different backgrounds, different circles, different walks of life to be united together by this thing, this stuff this exercise Program?

One of the things Cross Fitters find really hard to do is answer to you the question of what is crossfit?

Try it I dare you to ..

You will get one of 3 responses

a) Their head will explode because they haven't worked out how to say everything it is, it isn't and how it will make life better and how Fran sucks, how chalk makes everything better, and how thursters are so sexy and booty shorts, and Rich froning and the open, WOD/ Double unders/ Oly / Rx'd .....Head explodes   * I will come back to this.

b) The boring response... its a work out

Or c) Why don't you come try it..

Neither of these responses really justify what it is,

Because to this crazy little fitness movement there is something beyond the exercise and work outs and its that sense that you go somewhere for an hour or two or 3 of your day and be yourself with other people who also just Love this Fitness thing and want to embrace it as much as they can.

Don't be confused CrossFit isn't really all six packs, and muscle ups and weights so heavy that you feel tired just looking at.. the Truth is that crossfit is about a community of people who enjoy fitness,

Those people for the most part are just regular ordinary folks just like you and me *okay okay im not an ordinary person I get to do what I love every :-) * day! but

my point is that ....Drum Roll

CrossFit is about a Support System, team environment and a friendly place where we can all go and get better everyday not because we aren't awesome already. But because its way more fun to be challenged than to not be right?

Vital Fitness Project Blog
CrossFit down Under
Fitness Blogger/ Coach/ Fitness Enthusiast  
Raul Valenzuela

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

I don't Know what to do at the Gym?

I don't Know what to do at the Gym?
The Gym the Box is a place to improve yourself
not because there is anything wrong with you. but because it has the tools to make you stronger / Faster/ Learner and fitter!
So What should you focus on if you are not sure about what you are doing?
First :
Focus of mastering your body awareness and being able to move pain free through a full range of movement in some of the basics like, squats/ push ups / pull ups/ Running and skipping
Then focus on learning good technique of exercises
Second :
Focus on your goals!
if your goals are weight loss make sure you to train Hard and Eat well
Remember 6 packs are created with 3 sets of don't put that Krispy Kreme in your mouth!
Third :
Intensity in your Training
You get what you put out to make sure you put out a lot in your training and that you don't waste your time in the gym, remember every second counts and every repetition counts
Train Hard? Rest Hard!
This means make sure you are getting adequate amount of sleep
make sure you fuel yourself after training with some healthy carbohydrates and proteins
Make sure you stretch / mobilize and Foam roll
Include active Recovery days in your Training
Active recovery is a fancy word for move it or be sore
to by pass soreness and stiffness make sure to maintain yourself moving everyday in one way or another it doesn't mean a gym work out, sometimes a simple stroll down the park, a light easy job, some time on a rower or a bike might be the answer you are after!
:*This does not apply to all!
Constantly set goals for yourself
one of the simple keys of success in life and in anything is Raising your standards
so continually Raise the Standards of what you think you are capable of
Raul Valenzuela
Owner Head Coach
Vital Fitness Project
CrossFit Down Under

Monday, 25 August 2014

How do you Train? and..... Are you Training the Right way?

How do you Train? and.... Are you Training the Right way?

Here is some Food for thought

imagine all the top level athletes in the world
coming from all different backgrounds
having all different coaches
having completely different training programs
all training in completely different sports

all sharing the same common element in their training

The Secret doesn't always lie in

Reps Schemes
Warm Ups
Cool Downs
not Even Coaching.....

Here is the Secret

It's not what you do that always matters *please understand that of course it does...but entertain me

What Matters is How you do it!

If you get up and go for a  run with your buddy and you beat him but you hardly broke a sweat and he gave it everything he had!, trust me he's the one that going to get better and better!

It's not what you do ....its how you do it that matters!

it does not entirely matter if you do 5x5 or 3x3 or 2 x 12 or 7 x 1 for your Back Squat  what matters is how you tackle the Work at hand

and here is the real secret

It's not what you do that Matters.... its not how you do it that matters most.....its why you do it that matters!

Understand your Why!

What's Your Why!

Now your answer doesn't have to be a deep and meaningful one, because if the reason why you train is because its your passion and your fun and you just freaking! Love it, then guess what Success is yours!

Your Why will make difference in getting up in the middle of winter and staying committed to your goals and hitting snooze again.

Programming is important
But no amount of programming will make an unmotivated individual better
It's not what you do that matters its how you do it!
it's what how you do that matters its Why you do it!

Share This if you know you Kick ass in the Gym and You know people who need to read this!

Raul Valenzuela
Owner and Head Coach
Vital Fitness Project
CrossFit Down Under

Monday, 18 August 2014

Why you Need to Squat!

3 simple reasons why it's important to Squat Often
1) The Squat is King in the world of Exercise, regardless of your desired outcome weather it be
a) increased Strength
b) Bigger Muscles
c) a Toned looking Thigh
d) More Explosive Strength
e) Stronger joints
f) the list goes on really!
But seriously The Squat is King and it should be part of everyone's Training Program
Reason Number 2) Squatting Often and Deep will improve your mobility
especially in your hips and ankles.
Now you may be wondering why this may be important to you. The reason is as you age your body stiffens and a good dose of squats every week will ensure you are able to get down to the ground and back up again due to demand on your hips and ankles when squatting Deep.
Reason 3) Studies have shown a correlation between leg strength and longevity.
Now I know what you are thinking ! No doing squats wont magically make you immortal but they will strengthen your hips and legs.
In the aging population falling over and breaking your hip is very common, unfortunately. The more we squat in our younger years and the more we try and build our leg strength, the more we can decrease our likelihood of falling over due to poor leg strength .
Raul Valenzuela

Head Coach and Owner of CrossFit Down Under
Founder of Vital Fitness