Tuesday, 26 August 2014

I don't Know what to do at the Gym?

I don't Know what to do at the Gym?
The Gym the Box is a place to improve yourself
not because there is anything wrong with you. but because it has the tools to make you stronger / Faster/ Learner and fitter!
So What should you focus on if you are not sure about what you are doing?
First :
Focus of mastering your body awareness and being able to move pain free through a full range of movement in some of the basics like, squats/ push ups / pull ups/ Running and skipping
Then focus on learning good technique of exercises
Second :
Focus on your goals!
if your goals are weight loss make sure you to train Hard and Eat well
Remember 6 packs are created with 3 sets of don't put that Krispy Kreme in your mouth!
Third :
Intensity in your Training
You get what you put out to make sure you put out a lot in your training and that you don't waste your time in the gym, remember every second counts and every repetition counts
Train Hard? Rest Hard!
This means make sure you are getting adequate amount of sleep
make sure you fuel yourself after training with some healthy carbohydrates and proteins
Make sure you stretch / mobilize and Foam roll
Include active Recovery days in your Training
Active recovery is a fancy word for move it or be sore
to by pass soreness and stiffness make sure to maintain yourself moving everyday in one way or another it doesn't mean a gym work out, sometimes a simple stroll down the park, a light easy job, some time on a rower or a bike might be the answer you are after!
:*This does not apply to all!
Constantly set goals for yourself
one of the simple keys of success in life and in anything is Raising your standards
so continually Raise the Standards of what you think you are capable of
Raul Valenzuela
Owner Head Coach
Vital Fitness Project
CrossFit Down Under

Monday, 25 August 2014

How do you Train? and..... Are you Training the Right way?

How do you Train? and.... Are you Training the Right way?

Here is some Food for thought

imagine all the top level athletes in the world
coming from all different backgrounds
having all different coaches
having completely different training programs
all training in completely different sports

all sharing the same common element in their training

The Secret doesn't always lie in

Reps Schemes
Warm Ups
Cool Downs
not Even Coaching.....

Here is the Secret

It's not what you do that always matters *please understand that of course it does...but entertain me

What Matters is How you do it!

If you get up and go for a  run with your buddy and you beat him but you hardly broke a sweat and he gave it everything he had!, trust me he's the one that going to get better and better!

It's not what you do ....its how you do it that matters!

it does not entirely matter if you do 5x5 or 3x3 or 2 x 12 or 7 x 1 for your Back Squat  what matters is how you tackle the Work at hand

and here is the real secret

It's not what you do that Matters.... its not how you do it that matters most.....its why you do it that matters!

Understand your Why!

What's Your Why!

Now your answer doesn't have to be a deep and meaningful one, because if the reason why you train is because its your passion and your fun and you just freaking! Love it, then guess what Success is yours!

Your Why will make difference in getting up in the middle of winter and staying committed to your goals and hitting snooze again.

Programming is important
But no amount of programming will make an unmotivated individual better
It's not what you do that matters its how you do it!
it's what how you do that matters its Why you do it!

Share This if you know you Kick ass in the Gym and You know people who need to read this!

Raul Valenzuela
Owner and Head Coach
Vital Fitness Project
CrossFit Down Under

Monday, 18 August 2014

Why you Need to Squat!

3 simple reasons why it's important to Squat Often
1) The Squat is King in the world of Exercise, regardless of your desired outcome weather it be
a) increased Strength
b) Bigger Muscles
c) a Toned looking Thigh
d) More Explosive Strength
e) Stronger joints
f) the list goes on really!
But seriously The Squat is King and it should be part of everyone's Training Program
Reason Number 2) Squatting Often and Deep will improve your mobility
especially in your hips and ankles.
Now you may be wondering why this may be important to you. The reason is as you age your body stiffens and a good dose of squats every week will ensure you are able to get down to the ground and back up again due to demand on your hips and ankles when squatting Deep.
Reason 3) Studies have shown a correlation between leg strength and longevity.
Now I know what you are thinking ! No doing squats wont magically make you immortal but they will strengthen your hips and legs.
In the aging population falling over and breaking your hip is very common, unfortunately. The more we squat in our younger years and the more we try and build our leg strength, the more we can decrease our likelihood of falling over due to poor leg strength .
Raul Valenzuela

Head Coach and Owner of CrossFit Down Under
Founder of Vital Fitness